Dornob | Design Ideas Daily

Dornob | Design Ideas Daily

The Superadobes of Cal-Earth

Posted: 30 Sep 2015 09:00 AM PDT

Along with a host of other challenges, such as environmental, political and economic crises, the world is experiencing a serious shortage of human shelter. Nonprofit institute Cal-Earth, the California Institute of Earth Art and Architecture in Southern California, seeks to create a world where every person can make a sustainable and safe eco home with their very own hands, using just the soil they stand on and a couple of inexpensive materials. Read more…

Stack it Up: Modular Transforming Building Block Furniture

Posted: 29 Sep 2015 04:00 PM PDT

Modular furniture that you can rearrange when and how you like seems to be gaining popularity with designers. Giving users the freedom to create their own furniture is a powerful design statement that Matali Crasset uses to a beautifully minimalist effect with the Self-Made Seat. The Self-Made Seat is a series of blocks which come in two sizes. Read more…

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