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May the Fourth Be With You – Best Star Wars Moments On Walyou

Posted: 04 May 2016 02:58 AM PDT

32 Examples of Awesome Star Wars Graffiti

May the Fourth be With You, or Star Wars Day, whichever you prefer. Something of global holiday; a day especially for the greatest movie saga ever made. It’s hard to find a day without Star Wars making some headlines, but for something as great as Star Wars, why not dedicate a special day besides all the attention it usually gets.

For us (and for our visitors), it’s a pretty good opportunity to reminisce on our “Greatest Hits” when it comes to Star Wars, and maybe introduce you to some cool list or items, Star Wars related of course, you’ve never come across before.

11 Sexy Star Wars Tattoos

No need to explain. Nice girls, great tattoos. Hard to go wrong with that one. You can see the full article here

Star Wars Inspired Lighting More Powerful Than the Dark Side

If you ever wondered what Star Wars helmets would look like as stylish lamps in your home, look no further than this post. You can see the full article here

32 Examples of Awesome Star Wars Graffiti

Graffiti can really make your city ugly, unless it’s done right. And there’s no wrong when the art is about Star Wars stuff, often larger than life. You can check out the full gallery here

16 Rockin' R2-D2 Gadgets

The most useful droid sidekick ever made, there’s more to R2-D2 then what you see in the movies. You can see the full list here

14 Inevitable Disney – Star Wars Mashups

Back when Disney bought Lucasfilm, some very creative people made some really awesome mashups. You can see the full gallery here

Most Expensive Star Wars LEGO Sets

A great LEGO set isn’t cheap, and it’s just as true for these awesome LEGO Star Wars creations, which are probably worth it for someone who has the time and money to make himself a LEGO Death Star or something like that. See the full list here.

12 Coolest May the Fourth be With You Shirts

Posted: 03 May 2016 01:55 PM PDT

May the Fourth be With You Shirt

A lot of people are mad about Star Wars. Enough to know that May 4 is May the Fourth, aka Star Wars Day. It’s the duty of those who know to put on a May the 4th be with you shirt and educate the unaware populace about the most important day of the year.

The Classic Shirt

More or less, like the Movie Logo and font. Perfect to remind people of what day it is. You can get it on Amazon

The Cute Darth Vader Shirt

Darth Vader is freakin’ adorable on this T-Shirt, which comes in all sizes for men, women and the promising youths of our Galaxy. It’s available on Amazon

The Symbolic Shirt

This one is special. Not just the “May the 4th…” writing to let everyone know what day it is. But the Millenium Falcon, Boba Fett and one thing that isn’t a moon also showing up. Get it on Amazon

The Angry Vader Shirt

Cute Vader is nice (see above), but an angry one is much better. Get the angry version here

The Stormtrooper Typography Shirt

If you love Typography (who doesn’t?!), this is for you. If you love Stormtroopers (some people don’t, sadly), this is the shirt for you too. tl;dr – get it and be happy

The Serious Yoda Shirt

Yoda is always serious. So much sadness. So much introspection. It sucks being a Jedi, although the shirt is pretty sweet looking. If you wanna show off with it while doing your Yoda accent, you know the drill by now.

The Cute Yoda Shirt

A green Jedi Master isn’t always going to be angry. The artist doing this portrait caught him in a good mood for once. Better not let this rare occasion go to waste, and get it while you still can.

The Lightsaber Shirt

Lightsabers are the obviously-cool thing about Star Wars, and kids love obviously-cool things. Make yours happy by getting him/her this shirt.

The AT-AT Shirt

Something a bit different. Because it’s an AT-AT, but also because it’s a shirt with a question on it, instead of a statement. But the Pew Pew is what really makes it a must-have shirt.

The Baby Onesie Shirt

Babies deserve to celebrate May the Fourth day too. And Yoda kinda looks like a baby too. Get it here

The Millennium Falcon Shirt

Hehe. The Millennium Falcon is actually the 4!!! Get it here, and wonder the world with this illusion.

The BB-8 Shirt

Are droids male, female or a-sexual? That’s a debate for a different post. One thing is certain: This BB-8 May the 4th shirt is designed for women. But if you’re a guy and you buy it, I guess you can still wear it.

Be Social! Follow Walyou on Facebook and Twitter. For more Star Wars awesomeness, check out the Death Star Fire Pit and the BB-8 USB car charger.

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