Oddity Central

Oddity Central

Goofy Church Of Bacon Offers Religious Services to Meat Lovers

Posted: 24 Apr 2015 05:28 AM PDT

Founded in 2012 by Las Vegas-based ex-Marine John Whiteside, the basic premise of the United Church of Bacon is rather simple – bacon is our God, because bacon is real. Well, who can argue with logic like that?

The church claims to have over 4,000 meat-loving members, some of whom even bear quirky titles. Whiteside goes by 'Bacon Prophet', while member Johnny Monsarrat calls himself 'Funkmaster General' and 'Institutionalised Thought Leader'. The members are mostly atheists who claim that their religion is to doubt religion.

Although the church aims to unite meat lovers, it was basically started by Whiteside to stand up for atheists' rights. "The hatred of atheists, atheophobia and secularphobia, has no stigma, unlike homophobia, Islamophobia, anti-Semitism, and racism. That needs to change," he said.


This Famous Dutch Owl Loves to Land on People’s Heads

Posted: 24 Apr 2015 04:34 AM PDT

A strange owl in the Dutch town of Noordeinde has become famous for its penchant for landing on people's heads. It seems that the bird simply lands on people who happen to be walking by, for no apparent reason!

Apparently, a fence or a tree just isn't good enough for the beautiful European eagle owl, weighing around six pounds. It only lands on people's heads, staying perched for about a minute before flying off in search of its next target.

The residents of Noordeinde aren't bothered by the owl one bit. In fact, they're quite delighted with all the attention that their town is receiving, thanks to the wild bird. "I've seen photographers and birders from around the country, from The Hague to Spijkenisse, they come from everywhere to see the eagle owl," a cheerful resident said. "Our village is finally on the map!"


Indian Man Is on a Quest to Date 365 Women This Year

Posted: 24 Apr 2015 01:15 AM PDT

Most people are desperate to find 'the one', but this Indian man is quite the opposite. He wants date one woman… per day! He’s on a quest to go out on 365 dates this year, and has already been on 110 so far.

Although his goal might make him sound like a Casanova, Sunder Ramu's intentions are actually quite different. It appears that he took up challenge simply as a way to meet more people. And he even has a rule – the women have to take him out and pay for the meal, or choose to cook it themselves. "I was getting too comfortable being alone, which scared me," the fashion photographer from Chennai explained. "I decided that I was going to explore life and meet more and more people. Going to the club feels fake, and so I thought of going out on dates."

In fact, most of the dates aren't even romantic in nature. They're more about having a good time and making new friends. Through his unique quest, he's spent time with women of all ages and from different walks of life, and he's had a wealth of experiences so far.


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