Optical Illusion of The Day: Karate Cat Optical Illusion

Optical Illusion of The Day: Karate Cat Optical Illusion

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Karate Cat Optical Illusion

Posted: 27 Apr 2015 10:34 AM PDT

Hello everyone, and welcome to Monday! We know, we know that the weekend is now over, and now it's back to work. However, there are some things to look forward to like Friday when the Avengers 2 come out? We are all very happy about that movie coming out, and we are counting down the days until it opens out. So, how many of you are all about animals, and cats, in particular? Well we here are big animal lovers and we are huge fans of cats. Today's optical illusion is all about a very talented cat who can do martial arts. Come on now, who does not love this karate cat?

Karate Cat Optical Illusion

Ready for more fun optical illusion all about finding faces? Well here is one great finding faces optical illusion that we know you all are going to have fun with. Take a look at this illusion, and try to find as many faces as possible. We don't know how many faces there are, and we want you all to tell us how many you guys find. Now, we know you all are shaking off the weekend, but buck up because another great weekend will be here soon, and you can all watch the Avengers 2 with the rest of us! Have a good Monday!

The post Karate Cat Optical Illusion appeared first on Mighty Optical Illusions.

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