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Dornob | Design Ideas Daily

Mad Scientist Lab Features Special Transit Tube for Lab Cat

Posted: 21 Mar 2013 10:00 AM PDT

Cat-friendly homes are easy to recognize with their toys on strings and plenty of scratchable habitats to play on. But some cat lovers have invented some rather more creative ways to let their furry friends run wild and have fun. This home office in San Francisco, designed by Because We Can, features a wall-mounted tunnel system meant just for kitties.

The office was built for a pair of “mad scientists.” The couple had an underused room in their house that they wanted to turn into an awesome and totally usable office space. The designers turned it into a steampunk-inspired haven where they could work to their hearts’ content.

The custom-built desk and coffee table both feature fun details like folding doors, lovely inlays and geek-tastic quotes and imagery.

A large armoire opposite the desk gives the room some storage while doubling as a secret hiding spot for all kinds of sciencey tools. The double doors open to expose a concealed pegboard and a series of tucked-away drawers in which the scientists can stash all of their cool tools.

But the most impressive feature of all is, of course, the cat transit tube. The tube allows the household cat to travel from a table near the door all the way to the top of the armoire on the other side of the room. Little windows along the way allow kitty to look out over the room and survey his kingdom happily.

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