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Oddity Central

Guy Throws Up, Passes Out on Plane after Wearing 12 Layers of Clothing to Avoid Paying Excess Baggage Tax

Posted: 14 Jul 2015 03:43 AM PDT

Scottish singer James McElvar was recently in the news not for his vocal prowess, but for fainting on a flight! The teenager was so desperate to avoid paying excess baggage fee that he put on 12 layers of clothing. his overheated body didn’t really like the idea and he ended up passing out at 37,000 ft, on the way from London to Glasgow.

James, 19, is a member of a Scottish boyband called Rewind. When the band arrived at Stansted Airport last Wednesday, James was told by EasyJet staff that he would have to pay £45 for the excess weight he had packed into his suitcase and rucksack. "The woman told me either one of my bags went in the hold or we weren't getting on," he later told the media. "The rest of the band had gone through so I couldn't give them any of my clothes."

Unwilling to cough up the cash, James did the first thing that occurred to him – he unpacked his bag and started to put on all his clothes. He didn't stop until he had about 12 layers of clothing on! "I felt it was the only option, to put everything on," the singer explained. He ended up dressing himself in six t-shirts, four jumpers, three pairs of jeans, two pairs of jogging bottoms, a pair of jackets, and two hats.


Artist Creates Stunning Body-Paintings That Glow under Black Light

Posted: 14 Jul 2015 12:56 AM PDT

Artist John Poppleton combines his love of painting and his knowledge of photography to create stunning landscapes that glow under black light. But the cynosure of his work isn't the painting itself, it's the unusual canvas he paints on – the human body!

Poppleton's Bodyscapes feature mesmerizing scenes – right from summery African savannas to electric lighting storms – on the soft curves of the human form. The breathtaking images usually span out from the model's back, branching out on to the arms, legs, neck, and even the head. He mostly uses female models, but some of his paintings are done on men as well.


Forget Bug Spray, Japanese Company Creates Mosquito Net Jumpsuits

Posted: 14 Jul 2015 12:21 AM PDT

In a bid to combat the mosquito menace that plagues Japan every summer, Bibi Lab has released an innovative new product, called the Netsmen Wearable Mosquito Suit. The 'unusual but effective' full body suit is perfect for outdoor use – it protects the wearer from mosquito bites by encasing literally every inch of the body in a net!

The lightweight coat is made of polyester mesh, with breathable 1mm holes all over, which are smaller than the holes on a regular mosquito screen. It has a net hood for the head, and covers for the legs and hands as well. Each section can be individually unzipped, folded back, and held in place with fasteners. There's a zip right around the waist, so using the bathroom shouldn’t be a clumsy affair.


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