Dornob | Design Ideas Daily

Dornob | Design Ideas Daily

Oh Joy! Filter Removes Wine Sulfites for Headache-Free Drinks

Posted: 28 Jul 2015 10:00 AM PDT

ullo wine sulfite filter
Some of us are cursed with sulfite sensitivities: we drink a glass of wine and then spend the next several hours to a day feeling miserable. Migraines, wheezing, swelling, and itchiness can all be punishment for drinking that delicious beverage that just happens to contain one annoying ingredient. Chemist James Kornacki developed a way to rid your wine of sulfites so you no longer have to go hunting for the one bottle in the store that's labeled "sulfite free. Read more…

Don’t Be a Square: It’s Time for the QLOCKTWO

Posted: 28 Jul 2015 07:00 AM PDT

A lot has been written about time. Its characteristics (it flies like an arrow, according to Groucho Marx). Its fleeting nature (ask the poets). Its price (it's money, said Benjamin Franklin). Time is here to stay and so are clocks and watches. Sure, you can run out and get the new Apple watch like every other hipster. Read more…

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