Oddity Central

Oddity Central

Members of China’s Urine Therapy Association Believe Pee Can Cure Any Illness

Posted: 19 Aug 2015 01:20 AM PDT

Believe it or not, there's actually an association in China that believes in the miraculous healing power of urine. So much so that members meet up every day for pee-drinking sessions!

Norwegian Wildlife Park Lets Visitors Get Up-Close and Personal with Majestic Wolves

Posted: 19 Aug 2015 12:54 AM PDT

Situated in Salangsdalen, Norway's Troms county, Polar Park has a diverse population of wild animals, including foxes, reindeer, wolverines, wolves, lynx, elk, musk, and bears. But the most popular attraction is the Wolf Camp, a facility set up with the goal of ensuring a better life for wolves in captivity. It also provides visitors with the unique opportunity up-close and personal with the beautiful creatures.

So how is it that these ferocious wolves are able to accept human company with such ease? Well, it turns out that in the wild, wolves are actually afraid of humans – so they lash out under stress. But the animals at Polar Park were raised to enjoy the company of humans, so they feel calm around visitors. Known as the ‘Salangen wolf pack’, these are the first wolves in Norway that is socialized with humans. That means they actually enjoy our presence as part of their environment and will even come up to visitors to cuddle with them a or lick their faces.

Texas Entrepreneur Makes $10,000 a Month Sending People Potatoes

Posted: 18 Aug 2015 11:38 PM PDT

Potato Parcel has got to be the most ridiculous business idea since the

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