Optical Illusion of The Day: Crazy Castle Illusion

Optical Illusion of The Day: Crazy Castle Illusion

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Crazy Castle Illusion

Posted: 08 Aug 2015 07:34 AM PDT

Little girls often dream of living in a castle. These massive stone buildings, with their plethora of rooms and fancy schmancy tapestries, just have some sort of allure, especially for the little ones dreaming of being princesses. I wasn’t much of a girly girl growing up, so castles usually weren’t my thing. But, I think if I would have seen a castle on a pedestal, I would have been so much more intrigued…

castle in birdbath

This castle illusion is an awesome perfectly positioned photograph! At first glance, it looks like the castle is sitting atop a stone pedestal, making it even more majestic and beautiful. However, it’s just a castle illusion. The photographer positioned himself in front of a large birdbath in the courtyard with the castle in the background. The castle is also perfectly positioned to make it look like it’s sitting right in the birdbath. The result is this amazing castle illusion!

What do you think of today’s castle illusion? Before you go, make sure you take a second to rate it below! Your ratings help us figure out which illusions you guys like to see, and which ones go to the recycle bin. If you want to see another great illusion, head over and check out this crazy impossible castle!

The post Crazy Castle Illusion appeared first on Mighty Optical Illusions.

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