Oddity Central

Oddity Central

Real-Life ‘Catch Me If You Can’ – Colombian Man Impersonates Ambassador, Lives Like a King for Several Months

Posted: 15 Sep 2014 03:02 AM PDT

For several months, master impersonator and conman Jeison Neck Jair Garcia managed to fool Colombian authorities into believing that he was a diplomat from Lebanon. Originally from the city of Valledupar, in Colombia, Jeison posed as a fake Lebanese ambassador named Jason Abdulaziz Al Hakim Ali Nayb, using only a couple of fake IDs and his native wit.

Jeison managed to keep up the charade for months, living in style and enjoying all the comforts that come with being a foreign dignitary. He stayed at the best hotels and dined at exclusive restaurants until his game was finally up. When he was caught, he insisted that he was only playing a prank and that his intention was never to 'hurt anyone'.

It's really surprising that Jeison managed to convince so many people that he was a diplomat for so long, without anyone calling his bluff. He used two fake cards – one identifying him as Ambassador of the Republic of Lebanon, and the other issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Colombia. Strangely enough, nobody bothered to check the authenticity of the documents or even contact the Lebanese embassy about his credentials.

Jeison Jair Cuello García

Florida Entrepreneur Creates Purses Out of Dog Hair

Posted: 15 Sep 2014 02:36 AM PDT

Doris Carvalho, an entrepreneur from Tampa, has come up with an original way of combining her two greatest passions – veterinary science and fashion. She recycles dog hair that’s left over from grooming, converting it into high-end designer purses.

Doris loves her new job so much that she hopes to convert it into a business – she's currently running a Kickstarter campaign to raise $15,000 toward that exact purpose. That's just enough money to make her first line of 30 purses and pay for marketing.

"These handbags prove that high-end can be made eco-friendly from your pet for you," she pointed out. "I turn this groomed dog fur that would be garbage anywhere else in the world into these handbags. I sterilize and I use them to make the thread, the yarn. It's reused, recycled."


Dutch Teen Turns Dead Pet Hamster into World’s First Ratcopter

Posted: 15 Sep 2014 02:07 AM PDT

Devastated by his pet rat's death, 13-year-old Pepeijn Bruins decided to do something really special for his furry friend. So he turned to Dutch inventors Arjen Beltman and Bart Jansen for help. Soon, Ratjetoe the rat was stuffed and converted into the world's first radio-controlled 'ratcopter'.

Bart and Arjen have a special talent for making dead animals fly; previously, we'd written about how they converted a dead ostrich and a cat into weird helicopters. Their last project was a flying jet powered shark. And they've done it again, this time helping a young boy overcome his grief over losing his best friend.

"I loved him very much," said Pepeijn, who had to have the cancer-stricken rat put down. "He always liked to be cuddled and he would run up my clothes and hide. When I learned he had cancer and the vet had to put him to sleep I was very upset. I had seen Bart and Arjen and their flying cat, and I asked my dad if it would be possible to have the rat fly."


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