Oddity Central

Oddity Central

Woman Gets Third Breast Implanted in Hopes of Getting Her Own Reality Show

Posted: 23 Sep 2014 03:16 AM PDT

We've seen lots of bizarre plastic surgery stories in the past, but this one surpasses them all – a 21-year-old woman went and got herself a third breast! It's so ridiculous that I won't blame you for thinking it's a prank, but she says it's not. She got a fake breast implanted in between her two natural ones, and even started going by the name 'Jasmine Tridevil' to reflect the change.

Why would anyone in their right mind do this to themselves, you ask? It turns out that Jasmine, a massage therapist by profession, wants to earn a bit of fame and money and if getting a third boob is what it takes to accomplish her goals, then so be it. She's created a little reality show around her life called 'Jasmine's Jugs' and she's hoping that MTV will pick up the idea.

In the meantime, Jasmine has turned to YouTube, hoping to gain an army of followers. She's put up a few videos in the past couple of months flaunting her new look and answering her viewer's incredulous questions. Going by her responses, it looks like she actually wants hate comments and extreme reactions.


Rest at Your Own Risk: Moscow Benches to Publicly Display Sitters’ Weight

Posted: 23 Sep 2014 02:47 AM PDT

In a bid to raise fitness consciousness, Moscow's authorities have decided to replace ordinary park benches with high-tech scales. The change, which will affect the city's most popular parks, is being sponsored by gyms that are hoping to attract more weight-obsessed clients.

A similar campaign is already in place at a public bus stop in the Netherlands, where benches are attached to large electronic panels that display the seated person's weight in kilograms. The panels also feature nutrition-related information and gym advertisements.

One of the first parks in Moscow to embrace the change is the northern Sokolniki Park – director Andrei Lapshin said that 20 weighing benches could be placed there by the end of the year.


Chinese Student Rents Out Girlfriend to Save Up for iPhone 6

Posted: 23 Sep 2014 02:19 AM PDT

It's that time of the year again when people do the stupidest things to get their hands on Apple's latest iPhone. It's been pretty crazy so far, but this story is a clear winner – a Chinese student is offering to share his girlfriend with anyone who will pay up in cash. He plans to use all the money his girlfriend earns him to pay for the highly coveted iPhone 6.

The kid recently stood outside Shanghai's Songjiang University, holding up a sign that read: 'Girlfriend Sharing'. To avoid being misunderstood, he also stated the ‘rules’ quite clearly. The deal, he wrote, included eating together, studying together, playing games, saving seats (in libraries/classrooms) or going on dates. The sign was pretty clear on one thing – 'no funny business'.

"Sharing girlfriend for pocket money," the sign read. "If you are interested, connect to personal hotspot 'wifi sharing master'  to check out the girlfriend."


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