Optical Illusion of The Day: Black and White Ambiguous Illusion

Optical Illusion of The Day: Black and White Ambiguous Illusion

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Black and White Ambiguous Illusion

Posted: 11 Apr 2016 07:43 AM PDT

Ambiguous illusions are always fun illusions to get your brain going on a Monday morning. An ambiguous illusion is a type of illusion that can be interpreted two different ways. They are usually simple images that use two different colors, typically black and white or some other dark / light combination. Each color is used to create a different part of the illusion.

Oftentimes, one part of the illusion will jump out at you first. You may even have to concentrate to see the second image in the illusion. But, sometimes, it can be hard to get the second part of the illusion out of your head once it’s pointed out to you or once you see it for the first time. You know what I mean…

I just so happen to have an ambiguous illusion for you today too. Take a look at the image below. Which image jumps out at you first?


Did you see the legs or the arm and hand first? I saw the arm and hand first myself. I think probably because I tend to look at images from the top down. Or, maybe it’s because the arm and hand are in black, which is usually the dominate color in an image.

If you liked this ambiguous illusion, be sure to check out this moth or faces illusion!

The post Black and White Ambiguous Illusion appeared first on Mighty Optical Illusions.

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