Optical Illusion of The Day: Perfectly Timed Flower Sunset Illusion

Optical Illusion of The Day: Perfectly Timed Flower Sunset Illusion

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Perfectly Timed Flower Sunset Illusion

Posted: 31 Aug 2016 05:46 AM PDT

I haven’t put up many perfectly timed nature photos lately, have I? They’re like they’re own type of illusion in a way, but the fact that they’re completely real just makes them so much better in my opinion! This morning, I have a pretty cool flower sunset illusion for you…

flower sunset illusion

So, this flower sunset illusion may not look extremely difficult to capture to some of you, but think about being the photographer here.

First, you have to have the settings just right on your camera, otherwise the shot is ruined. The, you have to wait for the sun to dip low enough in the sky that it’s in just the right spot. Finally, you have to line up the fluffy dandelion top with the ball of fire in the sky to capture your shot. In the end, though, all of that work is well worth it, as you end up with a pretty cool sunset picture!

What did you think of this flower sunset illusion? If you like perfectly timed nature photos, be sure to check out one of my favorites—the diving bird!

The post Perfectly Timed Flower Sunset Illusion appeared first on Mighty Optical Illusions.

Can You Find the Cat in This Image?

Posted: 30 Aug 2016 09:39 PM PDT

Cats are notoriously sneaky little creatures. They’re able to sneak up on almost any other creature without being detected. Even modern house cats have retained some of this instinct, and we still see predatory behavior. In addition to being sneaky little things, cats are also known for their exceptional hiding abilities. They’ll hide just about anywhere they can fit, including under furniture and in boxes. Some cats can even hide in plain sight! Since I know you guys love searching for things, I’ve rounded up a pretty difficult find the cat illusion for you!

Can you spot the feline in the picture below?

find the cat

This one is a pretty difficult one, actually. I’m not going to tell you where the cat is in this image, but I will give you a couple of hints. Here goes…

  • The cat in this image is stretched out and napping.
  • The cat is an orange tabby cat.

So, did my hints help you find the cat in this image?

If you liked the thrill of the hunt, head over and see if you can find the cat in this image as well!

The post Can You Find the Cat in This Image? appeared first on Mighty Optical Illusions.

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