

Megarealistic Paintings by Tjalf Sparnaay


Born in 1954 in Haarlem, Netherlands, Tjalf Sparnaay currently lives and works in Hilversum, Netherlands. A self-taught artist, Sparnaay is strongly influenced by the work of Vermeer, Rembrandt, Goings, and Bell. Since 1987, Tjalf has been working on his imposing oeuvre, constantly seeking new images that have never been painted before. What he calls Megarealism [...]

Breathtaking Character Design by Oscar Ramos


Oscar Ramos is an illustrator based in Santiago, Chile. He specializes in photo manipulations and character designs. Today we’ll take a look at the best of his character illustrations. These are absolutely brilliant and a must-see … so make sure to slow down and scroll through the handpicked collection below. Get inspired! Visit Oscar Ramos’s [...]

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