Optical Illusion of The Day: Giant Hand T-Shirt Optical Illusion

Optical Illusion of The Day: Giant Hand T-Shirt Optical Illusion

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Giant Hand T-Shirt Optical Illusion

Posted: 12 Nov 2014 08:29 AM PST

Happy Hump Day to you all! Pour yourselves a nice cup of coffee, and let's sit down to another great optical illusion! Today we have a very cool optical illusion that involves a poor man who is being grabbed by a giant hand. Now, is this poor man the victim of an unseen giant or is it something else? Could it be the t-shirt that this man is wearing is really the culprit and not some unseen foe with a big hand holding him around the middle? You are all absolutely correct, it is the t-shirt he is wearing, but the shirt is designed in such a way that it really does look like he's being grabbed by a giant.

Giant Hand T Shirt Optical Illusion

Ready for another fun illusion? Check out this creepy shadow that is over this volcano and its unusual triangle shape! For reasons that has baffled scientists for years, this volcano has a peculiar pyramid shape right over it. There is really no reason why the shadow is of a pyramid, and it could be something involving the gases from the volcano, or another more supernatural explanation.  Though no matter how this triangle shadow is formed, it really makes the top of this volcano look really cool and mysterious.

The post Giant Hand T-Shirt Optical Illusion appeared first on Mighty Optical Illusions.

Flower Skirt Optical Illusion

Posted: 11 Nov 2014 05:50 PM PST

Good morning to you all on this Tuesday, which is also Veteran's Day.  We want to make sure that all of you veterans get the recognition you deserve for your wonderful service for freedom! We salute you all and thank you for all that you have done! Today's optical illusion is all about a flower that looks so amazing it should be a skirt that every high fashion runway model should be wearing in the spring! Take a look at this amazing photo of a flower skirt. What do you think of this skirt? Amazing isn't how even a flower can be made into something cool and high fashion?

Flower Skirt Optical Illusion

Ready for a scary illusion involving a mummy? Take a look at this incredibly detailed chalk drawing of a mummy escaping from under the city! You need know what lies underneath a city, and the artist of this amazing chalk drawing wanted to scare the heck out of everyone with this escaping mummy. Well, we hope that you all have a good day, especially you veterans! We will meet up again tomorrow to see what other super cool illusions we can find for you all to enjoy. Have a Happy Veteran's Day!

The post Flower Skirt Optical Illusion appeared first on Mighty Optical Illusions.

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