Optical Illusion of The Day: Woman Versus Dragon Optical Illusion

Optical Illusion of The Day: Woman Versus Dragon Optical Illusion

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Woman Versus Dragon Optical Illusion

Posted: 17 Nov 2014 07:09 AM PST

Good Monday morning everyone! Welcome to a new work week, and we know that you all are probably dragging a little because you got to sleep in over the weekend and basically do what you want. Now, you get to just pour yourself a cup pf coffee, and sit down to a really great optical illusion.  We understand how you guys often have to fight your own battles, and this is what inspired us to find today's optical illusion! Check out this great optical illusion involving this very brave woman who is facing down a mighty dragon. Talk about a strong woman. Take a look at what she is battling this dragon with. This woman is battling a fire breathing dragon with nothing more than a fire extinguisher!  How many of you can relate to this woman? We as human beings often have many battles to fight, so we can all relate to battling a dragon with nothing more than a fire extinguisher.

Woman Versus Dragon Optical Illusion

Ready for a very smart, and cool, optical illusion that is made up of human beings? Check out the human brain made up of human beings!  Works of art are always in the eyes of the beholder, and this human brain made up of real living people is proof that anything can really be a work of art! Have a great Monday everyone!

The post Woman Versus Dragon Optical Illusion appeared first on Mighty Optical Illusions.

Giant Playing in the Snow with Cars Optical Illusion

Posted: 14 Nov 2014 11:17 AM PST

Awww Sunday is here, and most of you may be taking this chance to stay nice and warm in bed! Who can blame you for wanting to get in a few extra hours of sleep? For some places around the world, it may still be fall, but the temperature has dropped significantly!  Some places are already experiencing snow even though it’s barely November. However, snow can be so much fun even if it comes before the official start of winter! Take a look at today's optical illusion because it is all about having fun in the snow! Little boys, who love cars, like to make those cars race in the snow, and that is exactly what is happening in the picture only it is an adult man playing in the snow with a car.

Giant Playing in the Snow with Cars Optical Illusion

Ready for a flashback to the past, but with something fun thrown in as well? Take a look at this optical illusion that combines the famous Abbey Road with Charlie Brown and his gang! Abbey Road is the home of a famous recording studio that the Beatles once recorded in, and then they walked across the very same crosswalk that Charlie Brown, and his friends, are on! Pretty cool right? Well today is Sunday, which is supposed to be a day of rest, and we hope you get plenty of it!

The post Giant Playing in the Snow with Cars Optical Illusion appeared first on Mighty Optical Illusions.

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