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Luxury Facilities Let Campers Enjoy Nature With no Hassles

Posted: 11 Feb 2014 08:00 AM PST

stacking doughnut glamper

A phenomenon called “glamping” has been overtaking the world for people who want to experience the outdoors but don’t want to deal with bugs, tents, and sleeping bags. Glamping, a combination of “glamorous” and “camping,” lets people enjoy the experience of camping without abandoning modern conveniences. A young South Korean design studio called Archiworks has completed a luxury campsite in the remote mountains of the Yang-Pyeong region in South Korea.

glamping site

luxurious campsite

archiworkshop glamping for glampers

The site, appropriately called Glamping for Glampers, contains luxury sleeping accommodations that are more or less very fancy tents. There are two shapes: the semi-circular Stacking Doughnut and the stretching, worm-like, expandable Modular Flow. The round units feature a covered deck at the front, connecting the bedroom and living room. The long units have a large deck at the front and a smaller deck at the back.

modular flow unit

modular flow glampers

luxury tent cabin

The modular flow units are more flexible, allowing them to house just one or two campers or to expand to accommodate several people. Both styles of cabins are made of steel frames with stretched membranes forming the outer walls. Polished wooden floors and indoor toilet facilities provide a sense of luxury, even out in the wilderness. Archiworks designed the outer membranes of the units to be fire, water, and UV resistant, eliminating some more of the annoying factors of traditional camping.

interior modular flow

interior 2 modular flow

semi-rigid camping structures

Archiworks created this project to give glampers the chance to be close to nature, even if the idea of camping is intimidating or distasteful to them. Here, they do not have to worry about carrying around a camp stove, hiking off into the woods to answer the “call of nature,” or setting up an uncooperative tent. They are free to set up in a home-like environment and then enjoy and explore the beautiful natural surroundings almost immediately.

Pharmacy Service Packs Your Daily Pills + Delivers Them

Posted: 10 Feb 2014 02:00 PM PST

pillpack pouch

Keeping track of your daily prescriptions is a chore, even if you only have a few to manage. If your memory isn’t great, you might forget between morning and evening whether you’ve taken a certain medication at the correct time that day. PillPack is a revolutionary service that will do all of the hard work for you, keeping track of your prescriptions and even reminding you of the time you need to take them.

mail delivered pouches of medications

The online pharmacy charges $20 per month for its service, plus the co-pays for your medications. You give them your prescription information, and every two weeks you get a neat little package in the mail containing a roll of little packets which you tear off one at a time. Each packet contains the pills you need to take and is even marked with the date and time they are to be taken, eliminating any guesswork on your part.

pill pack mail order prescription service

There’s also no worrying about running out of refills and going without medicines while you wait for your doctor to phone in the information. The company also offers a service called Proactive Refill Management, in which a pharmacist will ensure that your medications get refilled on time. Currently, the service only serves 31 states with its mail service, but residents of all 50 states can get their PillPacks over the counter.

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