Oddity Central

Oddity Central

No Shoes for a Year – Kentucky Man Goes Barefoot for Charity

Posted: 25 Feb 2014 03:00 AM PST

This winter has been one of the toughest in years, which makes this Kentucky man's initiative all the more special. Richard Hudgins has decided to go barefoot for an entire year to create awareness about the plight of shoeless children around the world. He also hopes to raise money for the cause.

"For 365 days I'm going to wear no shoes to collect new shoes and raise money to buy shoes for children who have never had the luxury of owning a pair," Hudgins wrote on his Facebook page 'No Shoes for a Year'. "At the end of the year I’m going to take all of the money that I’ve raised and talk to as many shoes companies as I can. Hopefully, I can raise enough money that they really really want it and they’ll make a contribution as well."

Hudgins, a hairstylist from Louisville, started the charity campaign in December. His first day barefoot was the hardest. "After that first hour-and-a-half, I was like no way, I can't do this, there's no way." He even abandoned his workout and left the gym when he saw the manager approaching him. "It was kind of humiliating, I didn't expect that at all," he said. He almost gave up after that, until he saw his first $5 donation on the website. "That really inspired me and I said I'm going to keep doing it, I'm going to keep going."


Taiwan’s Notoriously Dangerous Beehive Rocket Festival

Posted: 25 Feb 2014 02:00 AM PST

When I light a firecracker, I make sure to run at least 10 yards away before it pops. That's how terrified I am of the noise and sparks. So when I watched a video of Taiwan's Beehive Rockets festival, I was quite shocked. These crazy people deliberately run into bursting firecrackers. They dance in clusters as hundreds of crackers go off, allowing the sparks to rain on them. Like I said – crazy!

The Yanshui Beehive Rockets Festival is one of the oldest folk festivals in Taiwan and the third largest in the world. It has been celebrated for over 180 years in the southern district of Yanshui. Its origins date back to 1885, when a cholera epidemic had gripped the district. Due to primitive medical facilities, the disease consumed thousands of victims. Locals lived in a state of fear and prayed to Guan Di, the god of war, to save them.

So what exactly is a Beehive Rocket? Essentially, it is a multiple launcher of bottle rockets. Thousands of bottle rockets are arranged in rows in an iron-and-wooden framework that looks like a beehive. When the contraption is ignited, the rockets shoot out rapidly in all directions. A deafening, bee-like buzzing sound fills the air. The dazzling explosives whiz and whirl across the sky and into the crowds of dancing people surrounding the beehive.


Tiny Terror – Arizona Town Terrorized by Packs of Stray Chihuahuas

Posted: 25 Feb 2014 01:00 AM PST

I always thought Chihuahuas were pretty harmless, but apparently they can be quite vicious in large numbers. The residents of Maryvale, a small town in Arizona, can certainly vouch for the fact. The town is filled with stray pooches that are terrorizing children and defecating all over the place.

Local animal control officials say they're finding it quite difficult to control the Chihuahua population. They’ve received over 6,000 calls from frustrated residents – three times higher than any other town in the state. According to Melissa Gable from Maricopa County Animal Control (MCAC), these dogs aren't spayed or neutered so they're always looking out for a mate and having babies. This makes the problem worse.

"There's a lot of dogs in the street," said Stephanie Guzman, a resident. "People will start going crazy because they bark all night."


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