Oddity Central

Oddity Central

This Tail-Mounted Sensor Can Tell You What Your Dog Is Feeling

Posted: 12 Oct 2015 04:56 AM PDT

There's a tale behind every wagging tail, or so believe the founders of New York tech company DogStar Life. They've created a wearable device called TailTalk that accurately translates dogs' emotions by analyzing their 'tail language'.

The company is currently trying to raise $100,000 through Indiegogo

Biker Repurposes Old Tractor into Unique Motorcycle

Posted: 12 Oct 2015 04:39 AM PDT

Larry Medwig, from Painesville, Ohio, is so passionate about motorcycles that he can make one out of pretty much anything. A few years ago, he built the aptly-named 'tractor cycle' using parts from an old tractor!

Extreme Handskating – German Daredevil Skates with His Hands

Posted: 12 Oct 2015 03:58 AM PDT

As if rollerblading wasn't difficult enough, this guy from Germany actually skates on his hands! Mirko Hanßen claims to have invented the sport of ‘handskating’ himself, and he's currently the best (and only) hand skater in the world.

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