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Dornob | Design Ideas Daily

Caravan Bed Lets Kids Camp Out in Their Own Bedrooms

Posted: 19 Mar 2014 08:00 AM PDT

teardrop camper bed

Bedtime can be a struggle for parents with small kids. They never seem to want the day to end. If they had the Caravan Bed, though, they might be more eager to head off to dreamland.

kids caravan bed

From the designers at Mathy by Bols, the Caravan Bed is shaped just like a vintage teardrop trailer. It even has a license plate, windows, and little faux wheels to make it more realistic.

caravan bed for kids

A second pull-out bed sits beneath the main cabin for visiting friends. An optional storage box fits onto the front of the camper for toys or clothing, while shelves and additional storage inside the camper shell let kids store their favorite books and toys nearby.

caravan kids bed

The caravan’s door opens just like a real camper so Junior can have some privacy. But a roll-back canvas topper also lets the camper resident open up the top to see out at night, perhaps gazing up at glow-in-the-dark stars on the ceiling.

Movable Moisture: Tiny Humidifier Fits on Any Water Bottle

Posted: 18 Mar 2014 06:00 PM PDT

amazing humidifier

Has dry air got you (and your skin) feeling a little parched? The Amazing Humidifier wants to make every space moister and more comfortable. It’s a tiny USB-powered humidifier that fits on top of any plastic water bottle to shoot out a steady mist of filtered water. It can even be used in the car thanks to a cigarette adapter.

portable water bottle humidifier

Most water bottles use the same size openings, so the Amazing Humidifier will fit a wide variety of bottles. The little gadget also acts as an aroma diffuser when you add scented oils, and its soft glow makes it a calming night light as well.

We can’t say how safe it would be to run a humidifier as close to your computer as they do in the video, but the Amazing Humidifier looks intriguing. Its included filter needs to be changed approximately every three months, and the whole thing costs around $32 US. Its low price and super-compact size make it the perfect travel humidifier for that dry, dusty hotel room.

Extend Your Life + Your Workspace: Flatpack Standing Desk

Posted: 18 Mar 2014 02:00 PM PDT

upstanding desk

Sitting is the 21st century’s smoking. It’s being blamed for taking years off of our lives, and all because so many of us spend our days on our bottoms. One answer to the sitting problem is to use a desk that lets you stand up as you work. Most of the standing desks already on the market are prohibitively expensive, especially if you (not your employer) have to pay for it yourself.

standing desk

The UpStanding desk is a brilliantly simple solution to both the sitting problem and the cost problem. Rather than requiring you to purchase an entirely new desk, the UpStanding desk sits on top of a regular desk or table and simply elevates your workspace.

Made of just five pieces of lightweight birch plywood, the UpStanding desk assembles in less than a minute. Its pieces slot together without the need for nails, screws, glue, or any other nonsense. This also means that you can disassemble the desk whenever it isn’t needed. It’s shipped flat-packed and weighs just ten pounds.

lightweight standing desk

The desk extender can hold up to 200 pounds of your computer and office gear. The two-tier UpStanding desk can hold a monitor up top while the lower level holds a keyboard and mouse, or you can use the desk with just a laptop. A small channel at the back of the lower level holds your phone, tablet, or other gadgets. The project’s Kickstarter campaign was a rousing success, suggesting that we might all be able to afford a standing desk in the very near future.

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